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What is Likely the Most Important Factor in the Increase in Divorce Over the Past Hundred Years?

Gone are the days when a marriage was “Till death do us part”. There has been a notable increase in the divorce rate not only in America but all over the world. This institution has lost the power that held the family for centuries. So why Is the divorce rate rising?

Sexual Deviation

This is probably the reason that accounts for more than 50 percent of divorce. Sexual deviation could include infidelity and internet porn. In the recent past this behavior was regarded as shameful and those caught in these vices were publicly disgraced. In the modern society this behavior is considered as sexual freedom.

Society and Law

The current society continues to change in ways that promote divorce and even the law sometimes endorses it. It was quite difficult to successfully get a legal divorce in the years back due to many cumbersome restrictions but today one can file a divorce very easily. It seems the government before was vehemently against divorce.


In some countries divorce is considered a taboo because of the religious beliefs. This has made couples willing to divorce to stick together because they really have no choice. Divorce is only permitted on the grounds of infidelity in these countries. The freedom in religion in developed countries is furthering the divorce rate.


Culture is the main reason why divorce is very low in African countries. Their culture dictates that divorce should not happen for it is the duty of the couple to bear many children. Children are actually considered as a form of wealth in some countries. The culture also states that sexual relations and cohabitation can only happen for married couples. Research has shown that couples who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce.

Family background

Did you know that children who have seen their parents’ divorce are more likely to follow in their parents footsteps? This partly explains why there are many cases of divorce among millennials. A broken family directly affects how the child will act in a marriage relationship.

No Communication

As the family attorney, puts into perspective, no relationship can survive without proper communication. For some reason, the current generation does not know how to communicate with their spouses. Love can only be fueled up by constant effective communication. There is also a tendency for people to marry because of the outside appearance which fades.

Despite all this changes, your marriage can still work if you want it to. Deliberately and consciously work to see your marriage thrive and you will not get disappointed. Don’t become familiar, become intimate.…